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Главная » Файлы » Уроки к учебнику Афанасьевой 7

Урок 1
2014 Сентябрь 19, 05:24

УРОК 1 Повторение глаголов в прошедшем времени/past simple.

Remember !/Запомни правило!

Past simple/прошедшее простое употребляется, когда речь идет о действиях, которые происходили в прошлом.

yesterday - вчера
last~ - прошлый
ago - тому назад

Past simple правильных глаголов образуется путем добавления -ed к инфинитиву. 
Например: work - worked, play - played.

Правила правописания:
  • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на , добавляется только -d: like - liked.
  • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, у заменяется на i и добавляется -ed: study - studied.
  • В односложных глаголах с кратким гласным удваивается последняя согласная: stop - stopped.
Past simple неправильных глаголов следует запомнить!
be was/were been быть
begin began begun начинать
bring brought brought приносить
buy bought bought покупать    
can could --      
come cаme come приходить, приезжать
choose chose chosen выбирать
do did done делать
drink drank drunk пить
draw  drew  drawn рисовать
eat ate eaten есть, кушать
feel  felt felt чувствовать себя
find found found находить
fly flew flown летать
get got got получать, добираться
go went gone идти, ехать
grow grew grown расти, выращивать
have had had иметь
lose lost lost терять
make made made делать, мастерить
read read read читать
ride rode ridden ездить верхом
run rаn run бегать
say said said сказать
see saw seen видеть
send sent sent посылать
spend spent spent проводить время, тратить
swim swam swum плавать
take took taken брать
tell told told сказать, рассказывать
throw threw thrown бросать
win won won выигрывать, побеждать
write wrote written писать
sit sat sat сидеть
put put put положить

! Вопросы и отрицания в past simple образуют при помощи did.

Exercise 1 page 3

Listen to the tape. Who visited these places in summer? Match./Прослушай запись? Определи, где побывали люди. Подбери правильные ответы. Ответы напечатай.

1) Sasha
2) Betty and Polly
3) the Barkers
4) Roy
5) the Browns
6) Jim
a) Moscow
b) the Lake District
c) Russia
d) England
e) Brighton
f) Florida, USA


was/were - прошедшая форма глагола be (быть)


Exercise 2 page 4

Look at the pictures and say what places Olga and Vera visited in London in August.

Example: They visited the British Museum.

Exercise 3, page 6

1. Read Olga's letter and find the verbs in the past tense. Type them./ Прочитай письмо Ольги, найди глаголы в прошедшем времени и напечатай их.
2. Write a short letter in the past tense about your summer trip./Напиши (напечатай) короткое письмо в прошедшем времени о своей поездке.


Dear Mum,
London is wonderful! Yesterday Jane took me to the City and the Tower of London. She showed me Trafalgar Square. I enjoyed all those places. We had lunch in a small cafe near the Houses of Parliament. I wrote and sent you a postcard with a picture of Trafalgar Square. In the evening we watched television and spoke about London. We are going to visit Oxford and Glasgow soon. I'm very happy. I'm writing this letter in English to practise it.
Lots of love,
the British Museum
The British Museum
the City
The City
Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey
the Tower of London
The Tower of London
the Houses of Parliament
The Houses of Parliament
the London Eye
the London Eye
Hyde Park
Hyde Park
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge
Picadilly Circus
Picadilly Circus


Exercise 3, page 6

1. Read Olga's letter and find the verbs in the past tense. Type them./ Прочитай письмо Ольги, найди глаголы в прошедшем времени и напечатай их.
2. Write a short letter in the past tense about your summer trip./Напиши (напечатай) короткое письмо в прошедшем времени о своей поездке.


Dear Mum,
London is wonderful! Yesterday Jane took me to the City and the Tower of London. She showed me Trafalgar Square. I enjoyed all those places. We had lunch in a small cafe near the Houses of Parliament. I wrote and sent you a postcard with a picture of Trafalgar Square. In the evening we watched television and spoke about London. We are going to visit Oxford and Glasgow soon. I'm very happy. I'm writing this letter in English to practise it.
Lots of love,



Exercise 5, page 6

Say what the English schoolchildren could see/visit in Moscow.

Example: They could see Red Square. They could visit the Kremlin.

the Kremlin
The Kremlin
Red Square
Red Square
the Space museum
The Space Museum
the Spasskaya tower
The Spasskaya Tower
the Bolshoi theatre
The Bolshoi Theatre
the Historical museum
The Historical Museum
the Moskva river
The Moskva River
Moscow zoo
Moscow Zoo
the Tretyakov gallery
The Tretyakov Gallery
Gorky park
Gorky Park




Past Simple (practice)

Ех.6, page 8.

Sam is a painter. There are things he usually does. Write what he did yesterday. / Сэм - художник. У него есть обычные занятия. Напиши, что он делал вчера.


Sam goes to Hyde Park еуегу day.

Sam went to Hyde Park yesterday.


1) Sam gets uр at seven o'clock in the morning.

2) Sam puts his lunch in his bag.

3) Sam says goodbye to his wife Jane.

4) Sam drives to the city swimming bath.

5) Sam swims in the swimming bath.

6) Sam drives to Hyde Park to paint pictures.

7) At four o'clock Sam puts his paints in his bag.

8) Sam drives his саг home.

9) Sam says hello to his wife Jane.

10) Sam enjoys his evening at home.




Ех.7, page 9.

Write what Sam and Jane did last Saturday. / Напиши, что Сэм и Джейн делали в прошлую субботу.

.met, drove, drank, said, made, listened, saw,

had, read, got uр, саmе, took, саmе, took, had, wrote, watched


Sam and Jane ... very late, at 11 o'clock.

Sam and Jane got up very late, at 11 o'clock.


1) They … their breakfast in а small cafe.

2) They … their friends, Kate and Jim, near the cinema.

3) They all ... а new interesting film.

4) They ... to the Italian Pizza House to have dinner.

5) After dinner Sam and Jane … goodbye to their friends.

6) Sam and Jane ... home at six o'clock.

7) At home they … tea and ... it with some chocolate cake.

8) In the evening Sam and Jаnе ... to music and … books.

9) Jane … а letter to her mother in Brighton.

10) Sam … а shower and Jane а bath.

11) Sam and Jane ... television late at night.




Ех.11, page 10.

Complete the sentences./ Закончи предложения. 


My classes ... (begin) at 9 o'clock yesterday. 
My classes began at 9 o'clock yesterday. 

1)    My sister … (speak) English when she was in London. 
2)    When Jane was a little girl, she … (can) read very well. 
3)    Yesterday evening we …. (see) our friends. 
4)    Mum and dad … (give) me this bike for my birthday. 
5)    Last summer we … (have) a holiday at the sea. 
6)    I … (put) this letter in the letter box two days ago. 
7)    Last winter my brother … (take) me to the Bolshoi Theatre. 
8)    Yesterday I … (get) up late and my father … (drive) me to school

Категория: Уроки к учебнику Афанасьевой 7 | Добавил: Natalyna-78
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